Adding Windows to Your Garage Door
Access AdvantageWhen it's time to finally replace that old, outdated garage door, you, the homeowner, will be faced with several choices. One major decision is whether you prefer a row of glass in your new garage door. This is usually a trade-off between aesthetics…

Liftmaster WLED Garage Door Opener
Access AdvantageGarage Door Opener
According to a recent LiftMaster survey, 88% of American homeowners agree that the garage has more purposes than parking a car. In fact, 2 in 5 homeowners agreed that they would use their garage even more often if it had…

Garage Door Lube
Access AdvantageHow to Stop a Squeaky Garage Door
A squeaky garage door is a hassle and over the year’s things will get worse. It gets constant use and that wears down the hinges, springs, and integrity of the door. This could lead to locking in place or…

Access Awards Nashville Franchise and Celebrates 15 Years in Chattanooga
Announcements, Franchise Page Blog, Press ReleaseCelebrating Fourth Franchise Location in Less Than a Year of Offering
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (September 15, 2020) --- Access Garage Doors is celebrating 15
years of business in the Chattanooga area today. The company opened its doors on September

Belt-Driven vs Chain-Driven Garage Door Openers
Access AdvantageWhat is the Best Garage Door Opener For You?
Some home construction styles not only incorporate an attached garage but also use the additional build space above and next to the garage as areas to create additional living space. Living space…

Polystyrene Vs. Polyurethane
Access AdvantageWhen it comes time to purchase a new garage door, one of the many questions you may come across is, “Do you want your garage door insulated?” If your garage is attached, think of it as an extension of your home. These garages often have…

Black Garage Door
Access AdvantageTransform Your Home with a Black Garage Door
If you have purchased a “previously Loved” home, you may find the design and layout irresistible, but you may not always love every feature that comes with your home. White is the color most…

Lifestyle screen
Access AdvantageWhat is a Lifestyle screen?
There are several options for garage screens. Some hang by hook and loop, some are Velcro mounted with a zippered opening, others are panel and track systems (sliders), you can even find garage screens that go up…

12 Tips for Successful Garage Door Repair
Access AdvantageGarage Door Repair
It’s 7:00am and you are telling your precious little one to get in the car while simultaneously telling the dog to go back in the house. You finally juggle the day’s baggage into the back seat of your vehicle. At this…

Announcements, Franchise Page BlogHUNTSVILLE, AL (July 13, 2020) --- Access Garage Doors has expanded their growing company footprint into the Huntsville market.
Headquartered in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Access Garage Doors has led the way for garage door and electric opener…

Announcements, Franchise Page Blog, Press ReleaseWilliam Burton Becomes First North Carolina Franchisee
RALEIGH, NC (July 12, 2020) --- Access Garage Doors has expanded their growing company footprint into the South Raleigh market.
Headquartered in Chattanooga, Tennessee,…

Breaking News: Chattanooga Location/Headquarters acquires Williams Door Company
AnnouncementsCongratulations to Access Garage Doors of Chattanooga/Headquarters on the acquisition of Williams Door Company. See the full press release below.
Published by: The Chattanoogan 05/19/2020
Access Garage Doors has acquired Knoxville-based…